Zola: Earth

Our planet is beautiful.  A ball of blue, green and white representing water, land and ice.  It’s been around for over 4.5 billion years.  It will always be our home.

Still, we must protect it from mankind’s destruction.  Pollution of the air, land and sea result in climate change.  Temperature shifts cause extreme weather patterns all over the world.  Hurricanes, floods, droughts, ice storms, earthquakes, and more are all a direct result of climate change. 

Millions of lives are in danger because of this “climate crisis”.  Shelter from the elements is required, but it costs a lot of money to build and rebuild — especially after devastation.  Home insurance never covers “acts of God”, so we must rely on others and our governments to save us.

However, all of this hardship is not inevitable.  Our planet does not have to turn into some kind of desert wasteland.  The decisions you make as individuals have a direct impact on the climate.  Choosing not to pollute by recycling, composting and properly disposing of waste, is a start.  Purchasing food and products that are made using environmentally sustainable processes, is another.

As countries, we must fight to combat climate change by transitioning from fossil fuels and oil to more environmentally friendly sources of power.  My next car would probably be a Tesla if they weren’t so darn expensive! We need to invest more in sustainable energy sources like solar, wind and hydroelectric.  Companies need to create more jobs focused on the environment so that “saving our planet” actually becomes a lucrative industry for potential employees to get into.  

It’s not about blaming our parents’ generation for not caring.  A lot of people did care back then, but we never saw the effects of environmental destruction until recent years.  Now, we have the advantage of using technology to create new ideas and innovation centered on combating climate change. Technology that purifies water, air and nature from pollution is necessary.  It hurts our health and the health of defenseless animals, whom we are also responsible for. 

Our technology allows us to do more at the individual- and country-level, rather than just using our bare hands.  How?  Software can be improved to better track, forecast and predict temperature changes; and hardware can be developed to read this data, process it, and physically do something about it!

While I have many thoughts on this, I don’t have a specific solution in mind at this time.  My hope is that I can inspire someone reading this, and change their mind from doing nothing about climate change to actually doing something

It could be as simple as using your social media platforms to spark a global conversation: How would YOU solve the climate crisis? The most innovative ideas come from the most unexpected places, so put your thinking caps on — ask your parents, friends and children too! If you use Twitter, don’t forget to add the hashtag #ClimateAction to your tweets so that our world leaders and organizations can easily track them.

Alternatively, you can mention me @NRodrigues516 in your tweet so I can see your comments and interact with you directly. If something really interesting/inspiring gets discussed, I’ll explore it in a future Zola entry. I’m excited because you’re all very creative, intelligent and diverse people — I truly believe the possibilities here are endless! 

Last month, while writing this entry, I actually saw a lot of great initiatives and progress being made by world leaders on combating climate change.  Earth Day 2021 itself was incredibly inspiring and filled with promise. The US pledged to cut carbon emissions by 50-52% below 2005 levels. Canada is aiming for a 40-45% reduction. The UK is pledging 78% by 2035, compared with 1990 levels. Even China, a massive polluter, wants to participate in the effort. Let’s keep this momentum going!

Help save our planet and Mother Nature. We can, and we will do this.

20 Comments Add yours

  1. Chocoviv says:

    It’s important to take care of our earth!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yonkey says:

      Definitely! Thanks for commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Damaris Russell says:

    Yes you make some great points! I’m always saying just making some sustainable switches and do something to help our poor earth. ❤️🌍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yonkey says:

      Thanks, Damaris!


  3. John says:

    Ask someone to sign a petition to stop the logging of a far away forest and they will sign without hesitation. Ask the same person to
    stop using their car which is fsr more direct response to emissions and they willl not.


    1. yonkey says:

      Interesting perspective. I wonder why that rings so true. Thanks for commenting, John!


  4. John says:

    So what is missing here? How do you change peoples actions?


    1. yonkey says:

      Well, it starts with creating awareness. The more people that care about the issue, the more likely you are to affect change.


  5. John says:

    I just gave you an example where the biggest impact an individual could make to the planet by not driving is not acted on when they know this is what is what drives emissions


    1. yonkey says:

      Asking someone to not drive is like asking them to wear face masks. 🙄


  6. John says:

    No its not. So what needs to be done to change things around? The game changer so to speak?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yonkey says:

      One possible game changer is “Green Hydrogen”. Check it out: https://unfccc.int/blog/can-green-hydrogen-play-a-bigger-role-in-renewables


  7. John says:

    Back to tech again. No whats up for discussion

    Liked by 1 person

  8. John says:

    The answer is alternatives. People must have alternatives available to to facilitate change. Govt leadership to regulate

    1. Those that can work from home shpuld not be forced into the office
    2. Public transport – heavy investment by the State. No new freeways.
    3. Electric car govt policy with subsidies for purchasing and govt fleet to be fully electric
    4. Make it easy for persons to move residence so they can live close to work where the occupation makes this practicable.
    5. Microgrids set up withon the community so every house is connected to each other and the share excess solar power generated.
    6. Govt investment into infrastructure for battery recharging and battery swap.
    7. Regulations to force shopping centres to have solar panels erected for outdoor parking so your car is being charged while you are inside

    Couple of actions …. of the top of my head.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. yonkey says:

      Wow! Nice list! 😀


  9. John says:

    And a carbon tax of course!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. novelove89 says:

    You make a strong claim here and seriously it’s important we take a step back from iur daily necessities to invest properly in what we survive on!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yonkey says:

      Thanks for the feedback, novelove! 😁


  11. David says:

    I like what you are saying, but there is hope for the future, a Brand New Invention to Refreeze the Arctic and Antarctica which could eliminate Rising Sea Levels for all future Generations. Unfortunately it requires many governments to come together to use this invention to make it work. Check it out at climatechangeactionpetition.com


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